Sunday, 2 July 2017


   Myocarditis refers to an inflammation of the heart muscle, often due to viruses such as adenovirus and coxsackie B.
   Symptoms depend on the severity of the inflammation, but often include chest pain, shortness of breath, and tachycardia.
   The common sequelae of myocarditis is damage to the cardiac muscle of the myocardium. This can result in cardiac arrhythmias and heart failure.

Saturday, 1 July 2017

The Biography of an ANATOMIST

Who are Anatomists? and What do they do?
   Anatomists are biological scientists who study the structure of living things. Most anatomists are biomedical researchers and educators focusing on human anatomical form and function.
   Many anatomists specialise in areas such as biological imaging, cell biology, genetics, molecular development, endocrinology (study of the glands that produce hormones), histology (study of tissues), neuro-science, forensics, microscopy, and physical anthropology (study of the physical characteristics, variability, and evolution of the human organism). Most anatomists work in laboratories in colleges, universities or medical centres. They usually teach and carry out research. They help train scientists, as well as medical doctors, dentists, nurses, pharmacists and other workers in the health field. Some work for government agencies or for medical and scientific publishing firms. Others are employed by private companies, such as firms that make artificial limbs or organs. Some anatomists specialise in the study of the anatomy of plant forms. These botanists concentrate on the internal structure of plants and the development of the various plant parts, such as stems, leaves, and flowers. They also use microscopes and computers to study smaller units such as plant cells and tissues. Special techniques are required to prepare their samples. Other anatomists concentrate on the anatomy of animals. They may be zoologists, veterinarians, or physicians. Some of these scientists do basic studies of the structures of animal life. Others use direct applications of anatomical principles to solve specific problems in a human or an animal.

   Anatomists have made significant contributions to medicine, ranging from the identification of neurons to the discovery of vitamin E. In the field of cytology, the study of cells, anatomists have developed new techniques for studying samples of living material. They have also helped develop cinematography as a tool for research and teaching in biology.
  Anatomy is the cornerstone of medicine. The work of anatomists will be vital in the development of artificial organs, such as kidneys and hearts, and in the transplantation of donated organs. Such varied fields as plastic surgery, space medicine and environmental health will depend on discoveries made by anatomists. Depending on the place of work, activities will probably include lecturing, tutorial work, laboratory work, dissections, and the supervision of undergraduate, and postgraduate students and staff.
  An anatomist will often interact with hospitals to acquire unclaimed bodies to use for dissection, by completing all the paperwork to find out the cause of death, to ensure that it was not a contagious disease, as well as interacting with authorities to bury the remains of the body. 
  The embalming process is also part of an anatomist’s work, which involves preserving the body in a mixture of formalin and lanolin (lanolin keeps the tissues soft), and other chemicals
that prevent fungi from growing on the body.

Demanding aspects of being an anatomist:
- many years of study
- having to concentrate for long periods of time

Special abilities of an anatomist:
- able to pay attention to detail
- have good observation skills
- fascination with the structure of humans, animals and plants
- able to work meticulously with fine details
- ability to integrate data from many sources and test hypotheses rigorously
- have an open and inquiring mind
- have good oral and written communication skills
- enjoy synthesizing information, analysing data, developing models and finding innovative solutions to problems.

Satisfying aspects of being an anatomist:
- professional status
- making significant contributions to fields such as medicine
- a variety of areas in whcih they can and are specialised in.

Training requirements for becoming an anatomist:
An Anatomist must have a four-year Bachelor of Science degree in anatomy, physiology or in a related biological discipline such as histology. Anatomists who wish to conduct research go on to graduate and postgraduate training. Many anatomists train as physicians and then specialise in anatomy.

Where can we (anaromists) work?
- universities, colleges and medical centres
- education and government laboratories
- pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies
- research organisations
- rehabilitation medicine centres
- hospitals, clinics and other health care centers.

  Being an anatomist is the great deal, do not let anyone scare you with the saying that an anatomist will scarely be employed in big and reaaonable places. We are anatomists and we are proud of what we study and of the things we do. Though we face difficulties, we do overcome them all.
  Finally, in everything you do, put God first, for He alone can make you achieve your goals in life. With Him, nothing is impossible. Therefore, Study Anatomy and hand over the rest to God!
Proudly an Anatomist.

Wednesday, 28 June 2017


   Myocardial infarction which is also known as Heart Attack is caused by a blockage in a coronary artery. The myocardium loses its oxygen supply, and undergoes ischaemic change.
There are two main types of myocardial infarctions:
[i] NSTEMI (non S-T elevated myocardial infarction) - The coronary artery is only partially blocked. Ischaemic damage to partial thickness of the myocardium.

[ii] STEMI (S-T elevated myocardial infarction) where the coronary artery is completely blocked. Ischaemic damage to the full thickness of the myocardium.
   The most common cause of a myocardial infarction is an atheroma (lipid collection in the artery walls).
   Risk factors for myocardial infarctions include obesity, high blood pressure, smoking and diabetes.

What could the surgical removal of the womb mean?

   Hysterectomy is defined as the surgical removal of the uterus (womb), usually as a result of cervical or uterine cancer.
   When performing a hysterectomy, a good knowledge of regional anatomy is needed to prevent accidentally damaging other structures in the pelvic region. In summary, performing the surgery must be done by an experienced Surgeon.

Tuesday, 27 June 2017


   This refers to His truth, or an exact correspondence and conformity between His Word and His mind.
   Moses says, "He is a God of truth." He is true in and of himself; he truly and really exists; He is the true and living God: all His perfections are true and real; truth is essential to Him; it is pure and perfect in Him; it is the first and original in Him; He is the fountain of truth: all His works in creation, providence, and grace, are according to truth.

Monday, 26 June 2017

BACKSLIDING - the danger zone

   This refers to the act of turning from the path of duty. It may be considered as partial when applied to true believers, who do not backslide with the whole bent of their will; as voluntary, when applied to those who, after professing to know the truth, wilfully turn from it, and live in the practice of sin; as final, when the mind is given up to judicial hardness, as in the case of Judas.

Causes of Backsliding
   The causes of backsliding includes: the cares of the world; improper connections; inattention to secret or closet duties; self-conceit and self-dependence; indulgence; listening to and parleying with temptations.
   A backsliding state is manifested by indifference to prayer and self-examination; trifling or unprofitable conversation; neglect of public ordinances; shunning the people of God; associating with the world; thinking lightly of sin; neglect of the Bible; and often by gross immorality.

Consequences of Backsliding
   The consequences of this awful state are loss of character; loss of comfort; loss of usefulness; and, as long as any remain in this state, a loss of a well-grounded hope of future happiness.

Escape Route
   To avoid this state or recover from it, we should beware of the first appearance of sin; be much in prayer; attend the ordinances; and unite with the people of God. We should consider the awful instances of apostasy, as Saul, Judas, Demas; the many warnings we have of it, [Matthew 24v13, Hebrews 10v38, Luke 9v62], how it grieves the Holy Spirit; and how wretched it makes us; above all things, our dependence should be on God, that we may always be directed by his Spirit, and kept by his power.

Sunday, 25 June 2017


   Renal dysgenesis is a term that is used to describe any underdevelopment of the kidneys. In a nutshell it is a term used to describe premature kidneys.
Forms of Renal Dysgenesis
There are two main forms of renal dysgenesis, and they include:

[i] Renal agenesis – this is a term used to describe the complete failure of one or both kidneys to develop. It is most commonly unilateral.
[ii] Renal hypoplasia – this describes a situation in which the kidneys develop with a normal architecture, but are of a smaller size.